Please start at the ROMS documentation on the Source here to get an overview of managed services and ROMS.

Kickoff Overview

The Service Owners starts ROMS Checklist (including SAG review). SRES Architects will evaluate the service, determine whether it’s suitable and viable. If accepted it will receive a prioritization rating from the SRES Architects, and finally assigned to an SRE team by the Addon SRE Manager.

IMPORTANT: As an addon provider you can self-service onto OCM stage via the addon flow and start prototyping before completing ROMS. You are free to experiment and kick the tires! The only restrictions in place are the available support forums to the Addon SRE team. These are limited to #forum-managed-tenants and to the weekly SD: Layered Products Sync call (You can request an invitation via #forum-managed-tenants)

Kickoff Steps

  • Service Owner creates an Epic in the SDE board.
  • SRES Architects and the Addon SRE team lead will review the epic, discuss with the Service Owners and accept or reject it. SRES Architects will also assign a priority.
  • Addon SRE lead will scope out the work needed to onboard the service into Addon SRE.
Last modified January 31, 2023: line length (7f2a39dd)