Pager Handover

Transition Overview

This stage focuses on the viability of the service. If, after an agreed amount of time of being in production(defaults to a 4-week rolling window), the service meets its SLOs then it will be considered viable by SRE and the pager will be transferred to the Addon SRE team.

Viability Steps

  • The service runs in production and SLO data is collected.
  • An Addon SRE reviews the SLOs and SOPs.
  • If the SLOs are met, the service will be transitioned to Addon SRE.
  • Any critical alerts will be routed to the Addon SRE 24x7 PagerDuty escalation policy.

For information on how to set up the PagerDuty integration for your addon, see the PagerDuty Integration documentation.

Last modified April 13, 2023: add information on secrets (#8) (7c1d125d)