Testing With OCP (Without OCM)

Testing Without OCM

During the development process, it might be useful (and cheaper) to run your addon on an OCP cluster.

You can spin up an OCP cluster on your local machine using CRC.

OCP and OSD differ in one important aspect: OCP gives you full access, while OSD restricts the administrative actions. But Managed Tenants will apply resources as unrestricted admin to OSD, just like you can do with your OCP, so OCP is a good OSD mockup for our use case.

By doing this, you’re skipping:

  • OCM and SKU management
  • Hive

First, you have to build your catalog. Let take the managed-odh as example:

$ managedtenants --environment=stage --addons-dir addons --dry-run run --debug tasks/deploy/10_build_push_catalog.py:managed-odh
Loading stage...
Loading stage OK
== TASKS =======================================================================
 -> creating the temporary directory
 -> /tmp/managed-odh-stage-1bkjtsea
 -> generating the bundle directory
 -> generating the bundle package.yaml
 -> building the docker image
 -> ['docker', 'build', '-f', PosixPath('/home/apahim/git/managed-tenants/Dockerfile.catalog'), '-t', 'quay.io/osd-addons/opendatahub-operator:stage-91918fe', PosixPath('/tmp/managed-odh-stage-1bkjtsea')]
tasks/deploy/10_build_push_catalog.py:BuildCatalog:managed-odh:stage OK
 -> pushing the docker image
 -> ['docker', '--config', '/home/apahim/.docker', 'push', 'quay.io/osd-addons/opendatahub-operator:stage-91918fe']
tasks/deploy/10_build_push_catalog.py:PushCatalog:managed-odh:stage OK

That command has built the image quay.io/osd-addons/opendatahub-operator:stage-91918fe on your local machine.

You can inspect the image with:

$ docker run --rm -it --entrypoint "bash"  quay.io/osd-addons/opendatahub-operator:stage-91918fe -c "ls manifests/"
0.8.0  1.0.0-experiment  managed-odh.package.yml

$ docker run --rm -it --entrypoint "bash"  quay.io/osd-addons/opendatahub-operator:stage-91918fe -c "cat manifests/managed-odh.package.yml"
- currentCSV: opendatahub-operator.1.0.0-experiment
  name: beta
defaultChannel: beta
packageName: managed-odh

Next, you have to tag/push that image to some public registry repository of yours:

$ docker tag quay.io/osd-addons/opendatahub-operator:stage-91918fe quay.io/<my-repository>/opendatahub-operator:stage-91918fe
$ docker push quay.io/<my-repository>/opendatahub-operator:stage-91918fe
Getting image source signatures
Copying blob 9fbc4a1ed0b0 done
Copying blob c4d8f7894b7d skipped: already exists
Copying blob 61598d8d1b24 skipped: already exists
Copying blob 38ada4bcd26f skipped: already exists
Copying blob d5fdf1f627c8 skipped: already exists
Copying blob 2bf094d88b12 skipped: already exists
Copying blob 8a6c7bacb5db done
Copying config 3088e48540 done
Writing manifest to image destination
Copying config 3088e48540 [--------------------------------------] 0.0b / 3.6KiB
Writing manifest to image destination
Writing manifest to image destination
Storing signatures

Now we have to apply the OpenShift resources that will install the operator in the OCP cluster. You can use the managedtenants command to generate the stage SelectorSyncSet and look at it for reference:

$ managedtenants --environment=stage --addons-dir addons --dry-run run --debug tasks/generate/99_generate_SelectorSyncSet.py
Loading stage...
Loading stage OK
== POSTTASKS ===================================================================
 -> Generating SSS template /home/apahim/git/managed-tenants/openshift/stage.yaml
tasks/generate/99_generate_SelectorSyncSet.py:GenerateSSS:stage OK

Here’s the SelectorSyncSet snippet we are interested in:

- apiVersion: hive.openshift.io/v1
  kind: SelectorSyncSet
    name: addon-managed-odh
        api.openshift.com/addon-managed-odh: "true"
    resourceApplyMode: Sync
      - apiVersion: v1
        kind: Namespace
            openshift.io/node-selector: ""
          labels: null
          name: redhat-opendatahub
      - apiVersion: operators.coreos.com/v1alpha1
        kind: CatalogSource
          name: addon-managed-odh-catalog
          namespace: openshift-marketplace
          displayName: Managed Open Data Hub Operator
          image: quay.io/osd-addons/opendatahub-operator:stage-${IMAGE_TAG}
          publisher: OSD Red Hat Addons
          sourceType: grpc
      - apiVersion: operators.coreos.com/v1alpha2
        kind: OperatorGroup
          name: redhat-layered-product-og
          namespace: redhat-opendatahub
      - apiVersion: operators.coreos.com/v1alpha1
        kind: Subscription
          name: addon-managed-odh
          namespace: redhat-opendatahub
          channel: beta
          name: managed-odh
          source: addon-managed-odh-catalog
          sourceNamespace: openshift-marketplace

Our OpenShift manifest to be applied to the OCP cluster looks as follows:

kind: List
metadata: {}
apiVersion: v1
  - apiVersion: v1
    kind: Namespace
      name: redhat-opendatahub
  - apiVersion: operators.coreos.com/v1alpha1
    kind: CatalogSource
      name: addon-managed-odh-catalog
      displayName: Managed Open Data Hub Operator
      image: quay.io/<my-repository>/opendatahub-operator:stage-91918fe
      publisher: OSD Red Hat Addons
      sourceType: grpc
  - apiVersion: operators.coreos.com/v1alpha2
    kind: OperatorGroup
      name: redhat-layered-product-og
  - apiVersion: operators.coreos.com/v1alpha1
    kind: Subscription
      name: addon-managed-odh
      channel: beta
      name: managed-odh
      source: addon-managed-odh-catalog
      sourceNamespace: openshift-marketplace

Finally, apply it to the OCP cluster:

$ oc apply -f manifest.yaml
Namespace/redhat-opendatahub created
CatalogSource/addon-managed-odh-catalog created
Subscription/addon-managed-odh created
OperatorGroup/redhat-layered-product-og created

Your operator should be installed in the cluster.

Last modified January 30, 2023: wip (3873365e)