How to request a SKU for your addon.
NOTE MT-SRE do not influence SKU creation/priorities. You must work with OCM directly for this.
Requesting a SKU
To request a SKU, please complete the following steps:
- Determine a unique quota ID for the addon. This should be
lowercase with dashes and of the format
. For example:addon-prow-operator
- Create a JIRA Request at Openshift Cluster Manager
with the subject
Request for new Add-On SKU in OCM
and the following information:- Add-On name.
- Add-On owner.
- Requested Add-On unique quota ID.
- Additional information that would help qualify the ask, including goals, timelines, etc., you might have in mind.
- You will need at least your PM and the OCM PM’s to sign off before the SKU is created. We expect to resolve these requests within 7 working days.
Requesting SKU Attributes Changes
From time to time you may want to update some SKU fields like supported cloud providers, quota cost, product support, etc. To do this:
- Create a JIRA Request at Openshift Cluster Manager
- Ping the ticket in #service-development-b Slack channel (@sd-b-team is the handle)
- This requires an update to be committed in-code in AMS, then deployed to stage and eventually prod (allow up to 7 working days).
Current Status
To check current SKUs and attributes, see OCM Resource Cost Mappings.
Last modified July 14, 2023: Link to OCM instead of SDB project for SKU requests (f3f13871)