
Addon Operator Metrics

Addon operator metrics can be found in PromLens in the osd-observatorum-production datasource.

The metrics are configured in the lifecycler repo and the managed-cluster-config repo. See the following two merge requests for reference: lifecycler MR and managed-cluster-config MR.

csv_succeeded and csv_abnormal Metrics

csv_succeeded and csv_abnormal Metrics can be found in production Thanos and stage Thanos.

It can be useful to query for csv_succeeded and csv_abnormal Metrics by operator name, for example csv_succeeded{name=~"ocs-operator.*"}, or by cluster id, for example csv_succeeded{_id="049ea229-55dd-4e30-a2f0-87ae1dd37de6"}.

Last modified February 17, 2023: mt-sre metrics (64ccf96b)