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Addons Flow

Addons Flow.

1 - Addons Flow Architecture

Add-Ons are Operators. As such, Add-Ons are installed using typical Operator objects, like Subscription, OperatorGroup and CatalogSource.

To get those objects into the OpenShift clusters, we rely on OCM and Hive. You can read more about Hive in this blog post.


Our input is the Add-On metadata file (managed-tenants/addons/<addon_name>/metadata/<stage|prod>/addon.yaml) and the corresponding bundles directories (managed-tenants-bundles/addons/<addon_name>/). With that in place, we will:

  • Build the Operator catalog container image.
    • Push the catalog image to our organization repository in
  • Generate a SyncSet with the Operator install objects.
    • Apply the SyncSet to Hive.
  • Generate the OCM API payload.
    • Post the payload to OCM.

The Managed Tenants CI is in charge of processing the input and deploying all the artifacts. This image shows the data flows:

Data Flows

With that in place, OCM will present an “Add-Ons” tab, listing all the Add-Ons that your organization has quota for. Example:

Data Flows


When you click “Install” in the OCM Web UI, under the hood, OCM creates a SyncSet object in Hive. The SyncSet object references the cluster in which the addon was just installed in the clusterDeploymentRefs field.

Data Flows excalidraw

From there, OLM will take over, installing the Operator in the OpenShift cluster. While OLM is installing the Operator, OCM will keep polling the telemetry data reported by the cluster, waiting for the csv_succeeded=1 metric from that Operator:

Data Flows

At some point, when the Operator is fully installed, OCM will reflect that in the Web UI:

Data Flows

Addon Status Lifecycle

Addon Status Lifecycle

Deprecated SelectorSyncSet Installation

Data Flows When you click “Install” in the OCM Web UI, under the hood, OCM will apply a label to the corresponding ClusterDeployment object in Hive.

That label is the same label used in the SelectorSyncSet as a matchLabel.

With the ClusterDeployment label now matching the SelectorSyncSet label, Hive will apply all the objects in the SelectorSyncSet to the target cluster:

2 - APIs

You can find the Addons APIs here under the paths /api/clusters_mgmt/v1/addons/{addon_id}, /api/clusters_mgmt/v1/clusters/{cluster_id}/addon_inquiries and /api/clusters_mgmt/v1/clusters/{cluster_id}/addons/{addoninstallation_id}.

3 - Metrics

Addon Operator Metrics

Addon operator metrics can be found in PromLens in the osd-observatorum-production datasource.

The metrics are configured in the lifecycler repo and the managed-cluster-config repo. See the following two merge requests for reference: lifecycler MR and managed-cluster-config MR.

csv_succeeded and csv_abnormal Metrics

csv_succeeded and csv_abnormal Metrics can be found in production Thanos and stage Thanos.

It can be useful to query for csv_succeeded and csv_abnormal Metrics by operator name, for example csv_succeeded{name=~"ocs-operator.*"}, or by cluster id, for example csv_succeeded{_id="049ea229-55dd-4e30-a2f0-87ae1dd37de6"}.